"He has made everything beautiful in its time..."
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Trash to Treasure

Antiques....ahhhhh, I absolutely love hearing that word. 
If someone ever asks, "Do you want to go antiquing?" expect an huge "YES!!". 
I'm so in love with worn down items..even if they truly aren't old and used, I like making them worn and used *insert huge smiley face here*. As a newly wed living in a small, third floor apartment in an old firehouse (and yes we have an old, antique door in here which I'm super duper OBSESSED with!), I dream and search and search for one day living in a farmhouse type house with everything repurposed or antique looking.
 (we'll see how that goes).

 Although we're not there yet, I'm super content and thankful for all that God has done for Michael and I. We're both still working two part time jobs each and waiting on God to show us His next step for us, and yet He has still provided for us in everything we need and then some. What an amazing Savior!

 I can't help but think He looks at me as I look at my antiques...a treasure that was once considered trash, but now I'm covered in the blood of Christ. He sees me as...
  something beautiful.

One of my amazing finds that I'm so in LOVE with!
(please excuse the lack of good picture quality)