"He has made everything beautiful in its time..."
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Monday, February 20, 2012

You are for Me

I don't know about you, but I sure do have a lot of things, hard things, difficult things that I'm going through which I sometimes see as necessary and sometimes not so necessary. For example, I'm currently going through my very LAST! semester for Grad school. (oh my word, where has the time gone???) To acquire completing, I have to write a 30 pg. thesis incorporating all of the concepts involved in my program. YIKES!! I see this as necessary in order to graduate and receive my masters.
However, there's those times that are hard...I mean REALLY hard when you have no idea why you're going through this. You question whether something's wrong with you, or maybe God is punishing you for not spending more time with him, or.....

....or maybe, God is simply molding you into His perfect masterpiece.

James 1:2-4 talks about "counting" or choosing to have joy when we face trials because these trials of our faith produces "steadfastness" which when it has its full effect, we will be "perfect and complete, lacking nothing". 

Now, let me tell you, I am definitely not perfect, but what an amazing thought to dwell on that God is allowing testings of our faith during hard times in order to mold and fashion us to fall more in love with him, to trust in Him more, to g.r.o.w. in our relationship with Him. God is always there, rooting for us to finish the test...He is for us. Is that not something beautiful?

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